Body Scanning / Character Scanning
4DMax have three individual photogrammetry scanning systems. Utilising these systems, full body, high resolution head and character scanning can be carried out wherever is needed.
Prop Scanning
Utilizing our submillimeter Hexagon Romer arm scanner and combined with high resolution photogrammetry where needed/required the delivery of high quality props and object scanning has been a main stay of our service since we started. No matter the size of prop it can be scanned modelled and textured to our clients exacting requirements.
Be it a set on a stage or large swathes of a city scape we have been producing the highest quality of 3D models from LIDAR scanning since the company began.
Texture Photography
Utilizing the latest canon 5DS and studio lighting, cross and non polarised studio texture photography are supplied as either a stand alone service or as part of the scanning service.
See some of our most recent projects and which of these services went into each one